UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


The Australian Electoral Commission has issued to the Union and candidates the Declaration of Results.

The results of the election are as follows:
Branch President David Hamilton
Branch Vice President David Pitcher
Branch Junior Vice President Dave Black
Branch Secretary Peter Marshall
Branch Trustees Tim Eccles, Chris Tempest, Ed Starinskas & Tony Martin
Firefighter Representatives Peter Shroder, Justin Pattinson, Dave Blundell & Leigh Boyd
SO/SSO Representatives Richard Yeo, Dragan (Doug) Lukic, James Kefalas
Commander and ACFO Representative Travis Harris
BCOM Member not employed by FRV as an operational employee Corey Diggins

Members can request a copy of the post-election report from the UFU Vic Branch office or the AEC

In providing the above results to members, the UFU wishes to acknowledge the five outgoing BCOM Members and their time served as Branch Committee of Management members:

For those who were successful, congratulations. For those who were unsuccessful, we provide our best wishes and we thank them for their time in nominating for a position and holding a position on the Branch Committee of Management.