UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


Congratulations to UFU Delegate Kat Dunell!

BCOM members with Kat and one of her children, after receiving the 2020 Geelong Woman Unionist of the Year Award

Last night, Geelong Trades Hall Council – of which UFU is an affiliate union – held their Annual Labour Day Dinner.  At this Dinner, the GTHC presented its award for Outstanding Union Women 2019-2020.

The Award recognises the work of active women unionists from the Geelong Region who have outstanding service as a Union Delegate, are active within their Union, have demonstrated outstanding service to women unionists and/or an outstanding contribution to a union campaign. 

Last night, UFU Delegate, LFF Kat Dunell, was awarded 2020 Geelong Woman Unionist of the Year.

Geelong local Kat Dunell was nominated by the UFU for this award in recognition of her extensive work, first as a Deputy HSR and now as a HSR, on behalf of UFU members on Western D platoon.  In addition to her role as a HSR, Kat has also been involved with the union working with the Uniform Sub-Committee.

Though this service is in itself outstanding, Kat’s tireless work in the last year and a half has truly demonstrated her commitment to the role.

On 30 August 2018, Kat attend the West Footscray Fire, and was on one of the first trucks on scene.  Since then, Kat has campaigned tirelessly on behalf of UFU members – not just limited to Western District.  Kat sat on the UFU’s internal Working Party immediately following the fire and provided great insight.  Additionally, Kat has ensured that members that she is aware of being ill have her full support.  Late last year, more than one year on from the fire, Kat provided her story to The Age.  During this interview, she reminded the community that firefighters are people, too – and fires like the West Footscray/Tottenham Fire have an immeasurable effect on career firefighters.  In Kat’s words,

“We’re not disposable commodities, we’re people with families and loved ones to go home to just like everyone else”

A bright future ahead

The work of active union delegates does not go unnoticed by your Branch Committee of Management and Union, and we are extremely proud that we have young, active Union Delegates, who are recognised by the wider union movement for the work that they do. 

Kat’s award builds upon UFU Delegate Brenton Smith winning the Inaugural Ballarat Trades Hall Young Unionist of the Year award in 2017.  Brenton winning the 2017 Inaugural Award was also a source of great pride for the UFU Branch Committee.

These awards serve as a positive reminder that, with dedicated delegates like Brenton and Kat, our Union has an even brighter future ahead of it.

LFF Kat Dunell