UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


The UFU Victorian Brach 2024 Delegates Conference is currently being held, with over 150 Shop Stewards and Health and Safety Representatives in attendance.

Adam Brandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens and Federal Member for Melbourne addressed the Conference and received a standing ovation for his support and achievements.

State Secretary, Peter Marshall,

and National Secretary, Greg McConville, updated Conference in relation to Industrial matters at a local and national level.

Additionally, the Conference has heard from IAFF Canadian Trustee and Global Alliance partner Alex Forrest. Alex addressed the Conference on the significant achievements our Union has made in achieving and progressing Presumptive Cancer Legislation across Australia and globally.

As always, delegates will provide guidance and input as to how our Union moves forward in the best interests of all UFU members across the state.

National Secretary, Greg McConville, noted that ‘When Victoria fights, Australia wins.’