UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


Yesterday in Parliament, Richard Welch MP, asked Minister Symes about issues impacting Fire Rescue Victoria, following the shutdown of the 3G Network.

Firefighters have been locked out of FRV stations after the long-foreseen shutdown of the 3G mobile network. Additionally, the tracking of Trucks has been compromised following the shutdown of the 3G network. FRV was well aware of potential issues following the network shutdown.

Amongst more word salad in the Minister’s response to fire crisis questions in parliament we note she questioned others over the authenticity of claims, as a result of questions put to her in recent times… however, what of the lack of authenticity of her responses. Cases in point, she is outright wrong and misleading about the FOBS and truck tracking can fail. How can the Minister be so out of touch!