Friday 23rd December 2023 Firefighters attended a structure fire in Port Melbourne, where there was a female trapped inside with significant fire and smoke issuing.
Having an effective amount of fire fighters on scene quickly resulted in crews being able to rescue the trapped women and get her out alive.
Crews from multiple stations attended, including Commander Eckholdt, who all did an amazjng job under extremely difficult conditions.
We are very relieved of a great outcome this time. But this potentially fatal situation demonstrates the importance of having a minimum safe staffing level attend a fire.
Minimum Safe Staffing levels provide critical back up for firefighters in an emergency and ensure the safety of our community.
However, these standards are under threat if Commissioner Freeman and Minister Symes get their way as outlined in submissions to the Fair World Commission.
The community deserve a world class Fire Rescue Service, they pay for it through their Fire Services Levy. Attacks on standards such as minimum safe staffing result in a sub standard Fire Rescue service in Victoria.