UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


November 2023

With the arrival of November, warmer weather and Christmas carols on repeat at the local shopping
centre, so arrives ‘Movember’, the month-long charity event aimed at raising funds to improve men’s
mental health and battle prostate and testicular cancer.

But while men across Australia will be growing their outrageous moustaches, in the very first ever
‘Reverse Movember’ Shepparton Fire Rescue Victoria Leading Firefighter Tee Wade will be preparing
to shave his off.

“I’ve been involved in a few Movembers before, but five years ago, the ‘Mo’ became more of a
permanent fixture. There are a lot people in my life now that have never seen me without a moustache.
“When I told my missus what I was planning, she said, ‘You can’t do that! your Mo is a part of you
now, you’ll look like you’re 16 years old again’.”

“I’ve missed being a part of the Movember Movement, and I’ve been trying to think of a way I can get
involved again. That’s why I’m doing what I call ‘The Reverse Movember.”

Leading Firefighter Wade said the ‘Reverse Movember was a new take on a much-loved yearly
tradition, and in addition to shaving his Mo off at the end of the month if he reached his fundraising
target, he planned a fun and colourful new twist.

“In addition to chopping my beloved Mo off at the end of the month to raise funds for mental health, I’ll
be dyeing my Mo a crazy new colour each week, ranging from purple, blue and pink. If I can raise over $1,000, which will be the highest amount I’ve ever raised, I’ll then shave off my Mo at the end of the month.”

Anyone wishing to support Tee Wade as he undertakes the first ever ‘Reverse Movember’ can donate
via his fundraising page here.

Media Contact: Darren Rodrigo 0414 783 405