UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


Cosmetic Avenue Dental

Dental and Cosmetic Dental Support for Members

The UFU is excited to announce a new dental and cosmetic benefit for

Provided by Cosmetic Avenue, members with existing Private Health
Insurance can expect FREE check-ups, cleans and X-rays, for up to two bookings
a year, with an additional 15% discount offered on costs beyond the covered costs.
This offer is also extended to the immediate family of UFU members.
Members without Private Health Insurance can expect 15% off all dental
treatments including cosmetic and major dental procedures including:

  • Invisalign
  • Veneers and Crowns
  • Dental Implants
  • All General and Restorative Dental
  • Checks and Cleans
    Members are also offered 15% off all Cosmetic Treatments offered by
    Cosmetic Avenue.

    For more information on the services that Cosmetic Avenue provide,

    If members wish to utilise this member benefit, please contact the Union office
    via email reception@ufuvic.asn.au and a referral will be arranged for you.