UFU Victoria

United Firefighters Union of Australia
Victorian Branch


Minister Jaclyn Symes Continues to Fail Firefighters and Our Community!

Following significant media coverage of the impact Victoria’s Fire Truck Crisis is having on the community and Firefighters of Shepparton, The Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes, has responded …. ‘Shepparton is not the centre of the Universe…’ Victoria is experiencing a Fire Truck Crisis, Shepparton Fire Station has responsibility of covering a number of […]

Urgent – Minister Symes – Greater Dandenong Area, including sections of the Eastlink and Monash Freeway, have NO road accident or industrial rescue capability tonight! Truck Crisis!

URGENT: Greater Dandenong Area at Risk! Rescue 87 Dandenong is OUT and there are NO replacements!  This means the Greater Dandenong Area, including sections of the Eastlink and Monash Freeway, have NO road accident or industrial rescue capability! You pay a fire service levy and TAC fees to cover this response, yet this critical service […]

UFU Members – Olivia Newton John’s Walk For Wellness.

UFU Victorian Branch will once again proudly be part of this years Olivia Newton John’s Walk For Wellness. Members who are intending to register are encouraged to contact the UFU Vic Branch office. Supporters can register on the following link https://www.walkforwellness.com.au/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFV3GBleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHarInxytGjphjADzGAANMaafITGuPLVaEF-UvgejrLW4X4kbbwY1VDGoHw_aem_x3QuDlLQTxEaGaLlsNdoWg

Dandenong Loses Yet Another Appliance

Dandenong loses yet another appliance. Victoria’s Fire Truck Crisis Continues to impact the community of Dandenong with another appliance taken off the road, following plumes of smoke emitting from the appliance. With its Ladder Platform already out of commission, this leaves the community of Dandenong at serious risk. This is what the community gets as […]

Critical shortage of Ladder Platforms across Victoria!

Victoria’s Fire Truck crisis has escalated over the weekend, as out of date Ladder Platforms have been taken offline with regions across the State left without protection from these critical appliances. Stations across Victoria are reporting that there are no spare appliances available. This includes Dandenong, which currently is without a Ladder Platform. The Ladder […]