Thank You Richmond Station Firies

Congratulations to the incredible team at Richmond Station Fire Rescue Victoria – UFU Members for their wonderful work in transforming 20 bikes for brainwave bikes. This selfless service by these professional firefighters is a wonderful way of giving and spreading Christmas Cheer. As a not-for-profit, all proceeds go towards donating bicycles to families in need as […]
Members Hard at Work Readying to Distribute our Members Gifts to the Twentyman Drive

A big thank you to our members and supporters who put in the hard yards to prepare the gifts for distribution to the TwentyMan foundation. We cannot express enough our deep gratitude to everyone who gave their time, gifts and energy to this wonderful cause.
Allan Government Neglect Endangering Victorians

For years, firefighters at Fire Station 68 Lucas in Ballarat have called for action on an overgrown, fire-prone block of land next door. Every summer, it becomes a serious fire risk. Who owns this land? The State Government of Victoria – land earmarked for an Ambulance Victoria branch that never eventuated. Instead, it sits overgrown […]
Presents are Wrapped and Santa is Ready to Ride out for the Les Twentyman Drive

Presents purchased with cash donations from Members for the Lee Twentyman Foundation Christmas Toy Drive have been wrapped and ready to be handed over tomorrow. Thanks to all Members who kindly donated again this year to this very special appeal.
The Les Twentyman Toy Drive Rising to Higher Heights. Wonderful work by our Nunawading Fire Station Members

Huge Effort from Nunawading Fire Station as part of the Les Twentyman Foundation Christmas Toy Drive!Our members in service to our community are simply wonderful! Thank you everyone
Shout Out to the Eternity Church Morwell

The UFU would like to send a huge thank you to the Eternity Church in Morwell for their amazing donation of 72 skateboards for the Les Twentyman Foundation Christmas Drive. Your kind support will brighten the Christmas of so many under privileged children this year.
NCOM Endorses National Push to Include Motor Neurone Diseases in Presumptive Legislation!

TO ALL UFUA MEMBERS, On the 26th and 27th of November, the UFUA held the National Committee of Management Meeting in Canberra. NCOM delegates and observers were joined by expert guests who presented on a range of critical issues impacting firefighters nationally. The formal meeting of NCOM also took place, with discussion on several motions, […]
UFU Retired Members Christmas Party 2024.

The retired members 2024 Christmas Party has been a roaring success. Just on 400 past members and partners attended and it was a wonderful day of old colleagues rekindling great friendships and sharing wonderful stories of days gone by. Our sincere and deep thanks go out to the organisers whose hard work helped make this […]
Les TwentyMan Xmas Drive – More of Our Members Hard at Work!

Members from Eastern C platoon doing a big shop for the Les Twentyman Christmas Toy Drive. Thanks heaps to all involved!
Les TwentyMan Xmas Drive – Our Members Hard at Work!

Funds donated from UFU Members have purchased another 84 fully stocked with stationery back packs for the Les Twentyman UFU Xmas drive! Colin Campbell and Middle Management Millie purchasing the Packs at Hoppers Crossing Office Works who Generously matched dollar for dollar on back packs and then donated $600 of the goods to go in […]