Minister Symes – What Next From You?

Last week in Question Time Mr David Ettershank MLC asked Emergency Services Minister, Jaclyn Symes, about Victoria’s Fire Truck crisis and its impact on the Western Suburbs of Melbourne. Mr Ettershank noted that Trucks had broken down at multiple fires in the West recently, including the Chemical Blaze in Derrimut. He went on to ask […]
More Pumper Problems!

The Front page of today’s Sunraysia Daily takes a look at Victoria’s Fire Truck Crisis and it impact on Victoria’s North West.
Where are the Trucks and the Protection from Toxic Fires in the West?

UFU Members joined with residents from Melbourne’s West on Saturday to highlight issues concerning health impacts associated with toxic waste fires in the area. The rally also highlighted issues concerning Victoria’s Fire Truck Crisis and the impact it is having on battling these blazes. Local Firefighter, Matt Morgan, addressed the rally and was joined by […]
Minister, Minister, Premier, Premier – Where are you!

In response to a question concerning Victoria’s Fire Truck Crisis, The Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes, claimed that she regularly caught up with firefighters to hear their needs. At FS 01, a short distance from her Ministerial office, a rehab unit is parked. It is literally held together by grey tape. Also stationed at […]
Firefighters Fed Up!

This week’s Brimbank Star highlights the importance of establishing a rolling fleet replacement for Victoria’s Fire Rescue Fleet. Read More – Click on the Photo Below
Protect The West – Protect All Victorians!

Members and Supporters are encouraged to attend a rally on Saturday that will address issues concerning health impacts associated with toxic waste fires. The rally will also highlight issues concerning Victoria’s Fire Truck Crisis and the impact it is having on battling these blazes. A representative from the UFU will be addressing the Rally.
Firing Up After Minister Blow!

The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, believes real action needs to be taken to support our firefighters in regional Victoria. The Mildura electorate, spanning over 37,000 km², faces some of the harshest weather conditions in the state. Despite promises, the Allan Labor Government has not delivered the necessary support to FRV and some CFA […]
‘You cannot put firefighters into a situation where they haven’t got the tools to do the job.’ – Peter Marshall, UFU Vic Branch Secretary.


Community and Firefighters lives at risk due to equipment failure and missing gear! When will the Minister finally listen and make the fixing the problem and community safety the numberone priority for us all!

It is with immense sadness that the United Firefighters Union informs members of the passing of David Langmead. David was a barrister who both advised and represented the Union for 30 years. First admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria in 1986, David practiced as a solicitor and eventually became Partner in the Employment and Industrial […]