The UFU will be trialling a new retirement model as of 1 July 2019. The first UFU Retirement Awards night will be held in March 2020 for all members who retired from 1 July 2019 – 31 December 2019.
As members may be aware, there have been a significant number of member retirements and retirement functions in the fire services in recent years.
A representative from the UFU, most often a member of your Branch Committee of Management, attends the function to present a retirement trophy and certificate of union years of service to the retiring member.
There has been a significant increase in volume of retirements, making it logistically impossible for a UFU representative to always attend. Irrespective of our desire to be at a member’s retirement function, it has virtually become unworkable when placed in the context of the increased level of retirements, as well as the ever-increasing demand of industrial and employment matters.
The UFU Branch Committee of Management views member retirement nights as extremely important given that, in most cases, there has been an extensive contribution by that retiring member over a long period of time towards the union and members.
The UFU has looked to other UFUA branches to ascertain how they facilitate large volumes of retirements. Both the WA and Queensland branches of the UFUA have put in place a model which consists of bringing all retirees over a 6-month period together at one function to present those members with a union trophy and certificate, as well as give testimony to the dedication of the retiree’s commitment to the union.
In the interim, best endeavours will be made to facilitate attendance at local retirement events however, as explained above and despite the overwhelming desire to have BCOM representation at these important events, it is simply logistically impossible time-wise.
In short, members who have retired between 1 July – 31 December 2019 will be sent an invitation to attend their dedicated retirement function, a sit-down dinner at a location yet to be determined in March 2020.